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So, why is someone assigned to target Canada’s greatest monetary resource? Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Wilkinson is on track to destroy our industry and make Canada poorer with his C-59 ‘Greenwashing Act’.


He claims the oil and gas industry is in decline and will inevitably fade away, beginning as early as this year. Credible reports suggest that oil emission cap programs could cost 51,000 jobs between 2030 and 2035, with a loss of $24B to Canada’s GDP. I wonder what he has in mind as a replacement for royalties and tax revenues like the $45B gained in 2023, and the 375,000 jobs Canada wide that industry supports? How about those equalization payments?

Ottawa is basing its climate change policies on a widely debunked analysis by the IEA that envisions oil and gas production declining worldwide by 70 per cent after 2029. Lowering Canada’s production will not impact global emissions as other countries will simply increase theirs.

Industry has been working for some time to address Ottawa’s plan to ‘fight climate change,’ with carbon capture and storage projects to lower emissions as a ‘good-will gesture.’ If government statistics indicate that oil and gas only accounts for about 5 per cent of emissions, what industries will be next?

It is painfully obvious that energy policy makers lack any understanding that electricity, transportation and health care cannot exist without products made from fossil fuels. Highly promoted renewables that generate ‘occasional electricity cannot make products or fuels. Everything that needs electricity is made from petrochemicals manufactured from crude oil, coal or natural gas. AI requires exponential levels of electricity, along with iPhones, computers, spacecraft, medications and all medical supplies. All the foundations of our modern world require it!


Shane Wenzel

Shane is the President & CEO of the Shane Homes Group of Companies and the namesake. Shane's responsibilities include strategic direction for the companies, policy advice for the building industry through BILD Calgary, and political involvement through the Alberta Enterprise Group on the economy, making him an industry leader in his field. Shane's sales and marketing background comes from growing up with two entrepreneurial parents, Cal and Edith, and participating in a business advisory group. On the personal side, Shane considers himself a bit of a "tech junky" and social media influencer on various platforms. He's also proudly apart of the LGBTQ community.