It’s August 2023 and yes, the summer is going by quick! Today, I wanted to share my latest column in Business in Calgary’s Magazine and I’d love your thoughts on the matter!
Throughout human history, people at various times have said technology has been both a blessing and a curse. It has definitely made life easier; it has obsoleted old systems and led to a higher standard of living for many. But, needless to say, it has also been disruptive at times with more to follow. It also gave people in power new ways for gaining, maintaining and expanding that power. While technology itself is morally neutral, how it gets used and the people behind it can often have a less-than-honest intent.

While conspiracy theories are nothing new to history, after Bill C-11 passed with relative ease, concrete clues began to indicate this wasn’t the end of the path that is undoubtedly leading to more forms of censorship. And, while final details are still being worked out on C-11, Bill C-18 has quickly followed.

The whole idea of pushing Bill C-18 quickly through, with the usual meek objection by some senate seaters, the passing of bills with implications of censorship is becoming more than a mild concern for many. The need for this Bill has been sold on the idea that our Canadian news – whether voiced, in print or digitized – is failing and losing subscribers. The ‘asks’ for government subsidies continue.

Under C-18 there is a stated need for tech giants Facebook, Instagram and Google to ‘cough up’ advertising revenues to help maintain Canadian news. So, when did we stop supporting Canadian mainstream media based on advertiser dollars competing for the choice spots? Did all their salespeople quit? Who knew this bold request of the tech giants would turn out the way it appears to be going. It seems they aren’t willing to share revenues, nor do they have a need to make Canadian news available on their platforms.
Happy August and I hope that this sunshine does not go anywhere soon!
Take care,

Note to Democrat losers… Canada’s closed