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Big government involvement is solving issues that often do not turn out the way they intended. Some things should really be left to the experts! An example would be the Liberal government’s obsession with ‘climate change’. It seems some of the environmental ‘fixes’ have been plagued with unintended environmental and human health consequences. So far, they have turned out to be worse and more confusing than the problem. 

Nowhere is this clearer than in their efforts to fight climate change as if they were the experts. It appears to be an effort in vain because climate will always change. As we have all experienced, the costs are high and at times have tripled and endangered human health and well-being along the way. Some things just need to be left in the hands of people with the expertise. They would argue they are in constant discussion with the professionals, when it is obviously activists and others with agendas are their go-to advisors. I am mystified as to why we give an audience to 97 per cent of 100 scientists, yet over 3,000 scientists say it is time to stop ringing the ‘alarm bells’ and that the world is not facing an impending disaster. Just maybe the disaster is the advisors? 

Not only are the resulting costs higher than expected, but the signs are also clear there is a greater danger in growing taxes that make life so costly that some families are having to choose between what they can afford to eat and turn down their heat while watching their savings disappear. Even the homeless are growing in numbers and are desperate. 


Shane Wenzel

Shane is the President & CEO of the Shane Homes Group of Companies and the namesake. Shane's responsibilities include strategic direction for the companies, policy advice for the building industry through BILD Calgary, and political involvement through the Alberta Enterprise Group on the economy, making him an industry leader in his field. Shane's sales and marketing background comes from growing up with two entrepreneurial parents, Cal and Edith, and participating in a business advisory group. On the personal side, Shane considers himself a bit of a "tech junky" and social media influencer on various platforms. He's also proudly apart of the LGBTQ community.