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On this Tuesday, I want to share with you on a topic that’s close to my heart – the importance of how you live your life, not just what you say. It’s a mantra that I’ve lived by for years, and one that I think is incredibly important for all of us to remember.

The truth is, I’ve been around long enough to know that words are just words. It’s easy to say one thing and do another, to put on a show for the world and act like you have everything figured out. But the reality is that your actions, your choices, and your lifestyle are what really matter.

I am sure that you have come across someone that will tell you all about their goals, their dreams, and their plans for the future. But when you look at their lives, you realize that they’re not actually doing anything to make those things happen. They’re not putting in the work, they’re not making the sacrifices, and they’re not taking the risks that are necessary to achieve their goals.

On the other hand, I’ve also met plenty of people who may not talk as much, but their actions speak volumes. They’re the ones who are up early every morning, putting in the work and making progress towards their goals. They’re the ones who are willing to take risks, to try new things, and to learn from their mistakes. They’re the ones who are living the kind of life that they want to live, and they’re doing it through their actions, not just their words.

So, what does this mean for all of us?
Well, first and foremost, it means that we need to be honest with ourselves about what we want in life. We need to take the time to really think about our goals, our passions, and our dreams, and to figure out what we need to do to achieve them. And once we’ve done that, we need to start taking action.

This doesn’t mean that we need to completely upend our lives and make drastic changes overnight. It just means that we need to start making progress towards our goals, one step at a time. Maybe that means waking up a little earlier in the morning to work on a side hustle. Maybe it means taking a class or workshop to learn a new skill. Maybe it means cutting out some of the distractions in our lives and focusing more on what really matters to us.

But whatever it is, it needs to be something that we’re actually doing, not just talking about. We need to be willing to put in the work, to make the sacrifices, and to take the risks that are necessary to achieve our goals. And we need to be consistent in our actions, even when it’s hard or we don’t feel like it.

Another important aspect of how we live our lives is the way that we treat other people. It’s easy to say that we’re kind, compassionate, and empathetic, but it’s another thing entirely to actually live those values. And the truth is, the way that we treat others says a lot more about us than anything we could ever say with our words.

For myself, Shane Wenzel, this means being willing to listen to others, to try to understand their perspective, and to treat them with respect and kindness, even if we don’t agree on everything. It means being honest and authentic in my interactions with others, and not trying to put on a show or pretend to be someone I’m not.

And it means recognizing that we’re all human beings, with flaws and imperfections, and that we all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. This doesn’t mean that we should tolerate toxic behavior or harmful actions, but it does mean that we should strive to approach others with empathy and understanding, rather than judgment and condemnation.

In addition to how we treat others, the way that we take care of ourselves also speaks volumes about our character. It’s easy to say that we prioritize our health and well-being, but it’s another thing entirely to actually live a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

For me, this means prioritizing things like exercise, healthy eating, and meditation. It means making time for activities that bring me joy and fulfillment, like spending time with my family, our animals and in nature or playing music. And it means being mindful of my mental health, and taking steps to manage stress and anxiety when they arise.

Of course, we’re all human, and there will be times when we fall short of our ideals. But the key is to keep trying, to keep pushing ourselves to be better, and to never give up on the things that matter to us.

Ultimately, the way that we live our lives is a reflection of our values, our priorities, and our character. It’s easy to talk a big game, to make grand declarations about what we believe and what we want to achieve. But the reality is that our actions are what truly matter.

So if you want to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, it’s not enough to just talk about your goals and your dreams. You need to be willing to put in the work, to make the sacrifices, and to take the risks that are necessary to achieve them. You need to treat others with kindness and empathy, and to take care of yourself in a way that reflects your values and priorities.

It’s not always easy, and there will be times when you stumble or fall. But as long as you keep moving forward, as long as you keep striving to be the best version of yourself, you’ll find that the rewards are more than worth the effort.

So let’s all commit to living our lives in a way that reflects our values and priorities.
Let’s be the kind of people who don’t just talk about what we want to achieve, but who actually make it happen. And let’s be the kind of people who treat others with kindness and compassion, and who take care of ourselves in a way that reflects our commitment to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Thank you for joining me today friends!
As always, it’s been a pleasure to share my thoughts with you, and I hope that you’ve found them helpful and inspiring.

Until next time, keep striving to be the best version of yourself, and I’ll see you on the other side.
Shane Wenzel

Shane Wenzel

Shane is the President & CEO of the Shane Homes Group of Companies and the namesake. Shane's responsibilities include strategic direction for the companies, policy advice for the building industry through BILD Calgary, and political involvement through the Alberta Enterprise Group on the economy, making him an industry leader in his field. Shane's sales and marketing background comes from growing up with two entrepreneurial parents, Cal and Edith, and participating in a business advisory group. On the personal side, Shane considers himself a bit of a "tech junky" and social media influencer on various platforms. He's also proudly apart of the LGBTQ community.